הכירו את ג'וניפר ומוס: השועל והכלבלב של החיים האמיתיים!

ג'וניפר השועל ומוס (moose) הכלב הם הדבר הכי קרוב לשועל והכלבלב של החיים האמיתיים.
הבעלים שלהם מאמינה שמוס, הוא כלב רועה אוסטרלי מעורב עם אלסקן מלמוט, אבל הוא כלב שחולץ מהרחוב אז היא לא בטוחה בוודאות.
מה שאנחנו כן יודעים זה שהשניים האלה הם החברים הכי טובים החמודים אי פעם!
עושה חשק לאמץ שועל, נכון?so1 so2 Beginning PassBack for Ad unit Isradog_Web_InArticle_Top_300X250 ### size: [[300,250]] End Passback so3 so4 so5 so6 so7

"Sleeping Habits" 🌙 Juniper does sleep in the bed with us most nights. Moose likes to sleep in between my boyfriend and I, and Juniper likes to sleep on top of Moose. • Foxes are nocturnal animals so they're most active at night. Some nights end up with her pouncing on us, nibbling on toes, or running around crazily, but she eventually settles down and sleeps. • Like most puppies Juniper was kennel trained from a young age. This means we would place her in a kennel at night before bed. This helped a lot with regulating her schedule and also provided her with her own "den" or "safe place". Foxes and most other animals feel comfortable when they have their own space to go to hide or sleep. Juniper still sleeps in her kennel every now and again and treats it like she would a den. • For all of our educational posts click here 👉🏼 #livingwithjuni 👈🏼 If you have a question you'd like to have answered next week comment below 👇🏼.

A video posted by J U N I P E R (@juniperfoxx) on

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When your boyfriend is having guy time, but hasn't kissed you in over five minutes. A video posted by J U N I P E R (@juniperfoxx) on

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